CheCk It oUt!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Deal With It (-_-")

Have you ever feel that sometimes when you need to talk and you turn around and see that nobody you can talk to? 
I've been feeling that way since forever. :( yeah, yeah, yeah..poor me. But I bet I'm not the only one having this difficulties. 
So, maybe some of you might have this situation when you really want to talk about something and you feel that no one listen to you and you're end up getting bad mood all sudden and start talking to yourself. Oh well, so we might have one thing in common.

I told myself once to care less about people who care about me less. But as minutes passing by as I live with that emotion, I started to hate people. Nobody told me it was so painful to be left alone.
Doing things alone. Every part of me feel the pain. It doesn't go easy on me.
So, with the guts I have, I forget about what's killing me inside and start over again.
Only this time, I am much stronger than before. I had failed the first attempt onto trying to be what I expect myself to be. Lesson learned. 

I heard a few friends of mine talking behind my back at one night,but somehow instead of getting upset I finally smile...sarcastically, of course. *lol*. I don't care much at all. 
Emotionlessly, I just ignored all the scattered pieces and rumors about me.
Finally, things are going smooth than ever. 
Whenever I feel like talking, I'll write.
Whenever I feel like crying, I'll simply let the tears flow.
Whenever I feel alone, I'll listen to music.

Things are simple. Don't make it such a big deal.  


  1.'s true frend but s0metimes 0nly tell pe0pele 0ur pr0b cn settel the pr0b and made us felt happy and satisfies..

  2. yeah. there's should be a different between when we expressing our feeling to people than writting it down on a piece of paper. people will respon to you. when u write u get nothing but satisfactions. But, people judge. paper dont. which cooler??
