CheCk It oUt!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Know why I can survive? Know why? This is because I have options. I have thousand of options. The only thing I have to do is only to choose the best out of the rest.

Instead of having a bad mood everyday and getting very emotional every night, I choose to live my life happy and having the best of my life even if you’re exclude from my life. Instead of thinking about stupid things like now, I did all my homework and studying.

Life isn’t that hard actually. I just have to choose not to deal with people like you in my life and I’ll be just fine. I don’t want to brag about it but I’m just enjoying myself.

If people don’t like me, that’s their problem not mine. I’m not born to PLEASE you, okay?

If you said that loads of peeps don’t like me... why don’t you try to evaluate yourself either way around? You think people like you that much??? We’re just the same. Don’t get so cocky and making  this thing such a huge thing!

If I could curse right in front of your damn face. I’m surely would do so. Stop talking about people.

Dude, those who you gossips about will gossip about you too.

“people who gossip will gossip about you, do not forget that.”

Anyway, anda dinasihatkan utk mengumpat, mengata, bergosip dan ape2 yg seangkatan dengannya kerana rasenya anda berhak. Mungkin anda adalah manusia yang paling baik dalam dunia ini, bukan?  Tidak mengapalah kalau begitu. Silalah tambah pahala saya dgn mengumpat dan teruskan usaha anda utk mengatakan ape2 shj.

Oh ye sebelum terlupa. Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan. Kalau perlu, ceritakanlah keburukan saya kepada semua org. Bukalah keaiban saya. Insya- Allah. Saya mampu terima tanggapan semua org terhadap saya. Kerana saya seorang yg tabah! (^_^)

Kalau tk puas hati anda juga tk perlu susah2 nk bagi2 surat2 bagai. Sumpah, tk berminat nk bce :P

Anda hanya perlu mengumpat shj. Kerana saya juga tidak mampu utk puaskan hati anda semua.

Jadi, jgn bazirkan kertas dan dakwat pen anda. Gunakan mereka pada tempat yg selayak-layak nya.

Rintihlah kepada Yang Maha Esa agar Dia menjadikan saya seorang yang lebih baik drpd sblm2 ini.

Bak kata adik dorm saya, “ Kita bukanlah Malaikat.”  Jangan sering mengungkit kesilapan org. :D

Bantu kami utk berubah. Bukan condemned kami dan memberitahu seluruh rakyat tntg mslh kami dan kamu. Mungkin lah kan, kamu mahu menambah phl kami, mungkin kan??? :P

Jelingan anda tidak mencuakkan sye bahkan menjadi bhn gelak. Jd tk perlu rsenyer nk tenung sye lame2.

Sye maafkan anda jangan risau. (^_^) mungkin kata-kata di atas menyakitkan hati. Ana Asif ye!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

My First Cake Batik!

Very temptation!
Ahhh.. Suka suka suka! For the first time buat kek batik. Haha. Buat sorg2 taw kat dapur. Before adelah gk my aunt tolong. Tp, hari ni.. Wat sendiri. Happening r. Balek je dari Bangi terus lari masuk dapur buat kek. Love :p

Friday, April 15, 2011



Word can’t describe how my heart crashed! Even music can’t make me feel better.
That’s how you make me. You’re the one to blame at first.
However dear, I finally realized that... If this was the end of everything we used to be then I can’t say more than that. I’m willingly to go with the wind and pretended that we never used to be one who used to support each other through bad or good times.  If this was the case, I’d rather lose this one-side kind of friendship than to pretend that we’re okay. I can pretend like I always do but I am very tired and I have given up trying to fix what’s broken. I have made my decision to just let things go and I’ll eventually will have to lose myself to and disappear from people sight and isolate myself from people who might just give me nothing but the worst. Btw, I lost your letter. I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to read but I know I’ll be heartbroken once I read it.
So far, I love myself just the way I am right now. Somehow I feel like I’m at peace and to be honest I like myself more than ever. Whatever has happened to us, there must be a reason behind all of these.
I’m sorry I cannot  give you the best as you always want but I did try, right? Now that I’ve given up of everything we were, I feel more at ease. I feel that I have nothing to be cared about other than myself. You might just think how selfish I am but you haven’t evaluate yourself either way around.
You can’t always blame people and ask for perfections’. Because I know I can’t ever be perfectionist and I’ll stay that way forever. And if I ever happen to hurt your feeling, I must say that sometimes you deserve to get hurt. Sorry to say this but you think too much of yourself. I may have lack of everything and those lies just to make you feel more worth than ever. I hate to make statement here. Sometimes, when things doesn’t run your way...don’t ever hold it and give people a damn of your attitude.
If people don’t like me for who I am and have something to say to me and talk behind my back when I believe that I have once called her FRIEND. Well, what more I can say now?? Do you think I like all of you?? I don’t. But I never told anyone a piece about it. Because I thought that people have attitude and personalities, I accept you the way you are. But if you don’t like me for who I am and change me for who I am not. You can forget about me. I like myself just like this. So, you don’t like an ass-bitch attitude. Leave me. Don’t spit a word about me. Leave and forget. That’s it.
Don’t make things like that such a big deal. Keep it to your own. If I ever heard again stuff like that breathing in the air, I’m going to mess up your life next.
Back then it was good. I do hope it lasts after all this is my last year. I want to make good memories.
I’m not an angel dear. I’m a bit mess up. 0_0 Try to be in my situation than u’ll know how it hurts and I cry every single night. THANKS TO YOU.
THaNkS for making my life bizarre.

I do miss our fun!

I'm Okay, ok!

Know what??? I’m sick of stuff clinging around my neck! So, what! Hate me all the way you want.
I don’t even damn care about it! I have my own life and you had yours. Let just move on and pretend we never knew each other, okay! I’d be glad to do so!
For the past few weeks, I’ve been so miserable and horrendously terrible. But, somehow I manage to cope with my damn feeling. I learnt that FEELING is just another distracter in my life. So, I ignore it. I care less about it and start it over.
Sometimes, I have to agree with this lyrics by Avril Lavigne.
 “ All my life I’ve been good but now, I’m thinking what the hell?”
It’s just that sometimes... There’s too many problems and I’m getting stressed out also that things doesn’t smoothly go my way...I’m fed up! Fed up with all sort of drama in my life.
Is this the life of 17 years old have to go through??? I had to laugh! Know why?
I have lead a such a childish life my own as 17 years old student who supposed to be really thinking ahead about future and THINKING LIKE AN ADULT SUPPOSED TO! Unlike what has happened for the past few weeks. It was very stupid and very unbelievable. WTH! For real, people??? But I cope fast!
I learnt to LET GO finally!!!!
When it comes to those jerks and I have to be in group with them. I just pretend that nothing really happen and be really PROFESSIONAL. I put my feeling aside and be really professional and thoughtful J That’s just me! I can be really mad at someone and hardly forgive but I can just pretend well to be just fine and get going.
After all, there’s so much in my life I have to be chased around. Why would I want to care so much about stuff that will cause me to bleed in the end? I'm okay now :P
I don't need to be comfort by one who talks behind my back. I don't need that sort of people in my life. I'm fine on my own (^_^)
Yup! millions agree!