CheCk It oUt!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

..Ordinary Me..

Sometimes in this life we didn't expect things to go the way we had planned it.
So, things might get hard sometimes. We fell so hard that we're almost thought of giving up. 
But we didn't. We're always thought of ways to get up and get back in track.
No matter how hard we fall, we're always Get Back!

 It's easy to say isn't it?? I can tell you how many time I failed in life or what a good failure I am.
  • Disappoint my  parent with my bad tempered - attitude and being so lousy at one time.
  • My grades aren't so great. It was never been good. No matter how hard i tried. No matter how hard I study my ass off. I never satisfied my parent or myself.
  • I'm such an emotional-wreck. :(  people hate it.
  • There's nothing I can do. I suck at almost everything. Trust me
Well, there's still hope. I know that for sure so yeah I keep on hoping that time passes by and I'm getting better each day. 
-enjoy your day-


  1. yup..thts true..when you fall..don't just stay there but try hard n getu up...semua kejayaan mula dr kegagaln..
