CheCk It oUt!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wahai kaum Adam Duhai kaum Hawa.


kalau kau sangka berpakaian selekeh itu 'cool',
hakikatnya kau begitu jelek pada pandangan kami.

andai kau rasa 'usha' itu tanda kejantanan,
darjat mu telah jatuh pada pandangan kami

jika kau fikir hidup membelakangkan agama itu kemodenan,
maka tiada lagi hormat untukmu dari kami. 


kalau kau sangka berpakaian ketat itu 'hot',
hakikatnya kau begitu murah pada pandangan kami.

andai kau rasa 'aurat' itu tanda kewanitaan,
maruah mu telah jatuh pada pandangan kami

jika kau fikir hidup menegakkan fesyen itu kemodenan,
maka tiada lg yg lebih hina drpd hinayna diri kamu.

Apabila hati dan akal bermadah

Di sebuah pondok usang milik seorang hamba, akal dan hati berbual berkenaan kasih dan cinta..
Akal : Assalamualaikum, sahabat.
Hati : Waalaikumussalam...
Akal : Apa khabar iman anda?
Hati terdiam...
Akal bertanya sekali lagi.
Akal : Apa khabar iman anda?
Hati : Kurang sihat mungkin.
Akal : Mengapa?   
Hati : Aku merindui dia segenap jiwaku...
Akal : Dia yang mana, sahabatku?
Hati : Kedua dia. Dia yang hakiki, juga dia yang entah kemana akhirnya..
Akal : Tidak mengapa, Itukan fitrah manusia.
Hati : Tapi rinduku kepadanya kadangkala membuat jiwaku runsing. Fikiranku melayang terbang jauh ke angkasa. Kadangkala ketika beribadah juga aku teringat dia.
Akal : Cintamu padanya, juga cintamu padaNya, cinta padaNya kan yang lebih utama.
Hati : Tapi... Aku benar cinta dia. Aku benar rindu dia. Aku mencintainya kerana Allah. Kami saling menasihati kepada kebaikan. Aku mahu mengejar syurga bersamanya.
Akal : Apa makna cinta?       
Hati : Kasih dan sayang.
Akal : Bagiku cinta itu gila.
Hati : Mengapa pula?
Akal : Apabila kita mencintai seseorang, kita asyik teringatkan dia. Apa yang dikata jangan, sebaik mungkin kita elakkan. Apa yang diminta, seboleh mungkin kita usaha. Bila ada yang lain mendekati, bergelodak rasa cemburu. Apa kau rasa begitu?
Hati : Ya. Begitu yang aku rasa.
Akal : Apa kau tahu apa pula ibadah?
Hati : Orang kata ibadah itu taat dan patuh.
Akal : Ibadah itu juga adalah cinta.
Hati : Bagaimana dimaksudkan begitu?
Akal : Ibadah itu cinta. Berkasih-kasihan dengan Tuhan.
Hati terdiam lagi...
Hati : Jadi... Apa sebenarnya yang ingin kau sampaikan wahai akal?
Akal : Fikirkan, kalau kau benar mencintai dia kerana Allah, apa kau ada mengadu kepadaNya?
Hati : Aku puas sudah berdoa. Aku mendoakannya empat puluh kali setiap hari. Siang dan malam! Tegas hati..
Akal : Apa kau berdoa kepadaNya hanya kerana apabila kau terasa jauh dengannya? Apa kau hanya melipatgandakan ibadahmu ketika jiwamu rasa tak tenang?
Hati diam dan tertunduk...
Akal : Bagaimana boleh kau katakan cintamu kerana Allah. Sedangkan kau mengabaikan Dia ketika cintamu dengannya sedang indah bercahaya. Sabarlah wahai hati. Doamu mungkin tidak makbul sekelip mata. Barangkali Allah akan memakbulkannya di lain masa. Barangkali Allah ada hadiah yang lebih berharga untukmu!
Aliran sungai merah terasa semakin deras mengalir ke kepala...
Akal : Cinta kepada manusia yang gila seperti itu, hanya layak disandarkan kepada Allah. Allah menarik cintamu kerana Allah lebih mencintaimu. Allah merindui doa dan tangisan hambanya. Allah mahu kau kembali mengindahkan cintamu kepadaNya!
Hati mulai menangis... Sepi... Kesal...

Kerana Aku Wanita

kerana aku wanita
pandangan Adam mampu tembus ke dasar hatiku

kerana aku wanita
ingin disayangi itu fitrah diriku

kerana aku wanita
mudah terpikat dengan keindahan akhlak seorang lelaki

kerana aku wanita
emosiku selalu mengatasi logik akalku

kerana aku wanita 
air mata teman setiaku

kerana aku wanita
sensitivitiku terhadap sesuatu amat tinggi


kerana aku wanita
aku damba pertolongan darimu Adam

peliharalah bicaramu denganku
jangan bermain kata denganku
takut rosak hatiku

kerana aku wanita
akhlakmu ukuran dimataku

peliharalah akhlakmu dan imanmu
jangan kau burukkan darjatmu pada mataku
takut rosak thiqohmu

kerana aku wanita
maka peliharalah susunan kata-katamu

kerana aku mudah terasa
namun aku bukan lemah
sekadar ingin kau tahu hati ini mudah tercalar

kerana aku wanita
peliharalah dirimu dari mencemuhku

saat titisan jernih mengalir dari mataku
kerana itu cara untukku
meluahkan perasaanku
supaya hatiku tenang kembali

kerana aku wanita
aku memang sangat peka

maka fahamilah kecerewetanku ada sebabnya

Untukmu Yang Bergelar Wanita

Bangkitlah dari lenamu yang panjang dan tidak berkesudahan.
Sekali kamu terjatuh, jangan biarkan diri kamu jatuh selamanya.
Kamu punya kekuatan untuk bangkit semula, walaupun kita berdosa sebanyak buih yang memutih di lautan.
Yakinlah kasih sayang dan keampunan Allah terlalu luas.
Hidup ini seperti mimpi, seorang pengemis bermimpi menjadi seorang raja, dipuji dan dipuja, segala kemuliaan dan kekayaan tunduk kepadanya, tapi bila dia sedar dari lenanya, dia masih seorang pengemis yang miskin dan tidak punya apa-apa.
Seorang raja yang bermimpi, menjadi seorang pengemis yang miskin dan hodoh, dia dihina dan dikeji di setiap persimpangan yang dilalui, tapi bila raja itu sedar dari lena, dia tetap seorang raja.
Matanglah dalam urusan akhiratmu. Jangan kerana kesenangan dunia yang sementara, kau sanggup menempah sengsara di akhirat selamanya.
Janganlah kerana kasih makhluk yang sementara, kau hilang kasih Allah SWT di akhirat sana. Jika kau hilang kasih Allah SWT, nescaya kau akan hilang segalanya.
Saidatina Aisyah RA pernah berpesan,
"Sebaik-baik wanita adalah yang tidak memandang dan dipandang"
Jangan kau berasa bangga dengan kecantikanmu sehingga kau dikejar jutaan lelaki. Itu bukan kemuliaan bagimu.
Jika kau berasa bangga, kau menyamakan dirimu dengan pepasir di pantai, yang boleh dipijak dan dimiliki sesiapa sahaja.
Muliakanlah dirimu dengan taqwa, setanding mutiara Zabarjad, yang hanya mampu dimiliki penghuni syurga.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW dalam hadis Riwayat Muslim, "Harta yang paling berharga di dunia adalah wanita yang solehah." 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

...For You...

thinking ahead

This is for you.
Sometimes I miss you. Sometimes I feel like I wanna text you.
Sometimes I really wanna call you. 
Sometimes I wait for your call and dream of the day that you'll text me again.
Sometimes I look at our picture and smile.
Those are things that I can't erase from my mind.
The way you talked to me.
The way you've been so helpful through out the bad days.
Despite all the stuff we had together,
I realized that you're the best thing in my life after all.
You took me by surprise.
You kissed my nightmares away.
You hold me in your words.
What more can I say? 
The way you make me feel.
I shattered.
As I am right now, things change.
I have change.
You've change.
But memories can't change and it won't.
So, I'll let the memories stay in my heart.
Because it makes me stronger than ever.
It gets me through the bad and good times.
Thank you For the Memories.


No one knows what we feel inside.

I always imagine myself in the picture. All alone and getting tired of things happened.
Try to sit back and get over all the madness going on in my life. But somehow I know I'll never set things at ease. Things have just got crazy as if it will stay that way forever. The way it does, it's really getting on my nerves. 
Frankly, I don't know whether I should carry on or just let things go.
I don't want to miss a thing. Nobody does. 
Wish you were here.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

...bad IDEA...


I'm sure that people maybe involve in this situation. They got this bad things happened yet they have no idea what to do. 
The thing is. I don't know how to deal with this situation either. I just think and over think and end up forget about it. 
And worry about it the next day, and it cycles you. :P
I believe there's a better solution just that I'm not good enough to come out with any.
Sorry. But i guess sorry is overated.


Never thought of me being 17. I'm freaking nervous when I'm thinking about it. It's like entering a new world. Like thinking of me making my own decision. Leading my new drama life. Just thinking of it makes me feel like I'm going to die. I'm so scared. I'm not making it such a big deal or anything. But, it is a big deal. So much of drama! Being 17 is a lot of things. You don't know where things going to be smooth or you're going to have difficulties surrounding you. Not like I haven't met with any obstacles before, it's just things are different. I have no intends talking crap about this stuff but I was so nervous that i feel like typing my heart out tonight!  I guess being 17 is everything I don't want to be. I just don't feel like celebrating my birthday this 2011 year. It feels not right somehow. What should I do?? My ice cold hands are shaking. My lips trembling. My heart pounding fast. My entire body did not move the way they should. My mind is not at ease. Why is it so hard??? It's like first love come around and you don't know the right words to say. Then, you end up fooling yourself in front of the one that you thought might be something new in your life. That is sure something. I hope things will turn up just fine. I keep thinking about exams and friends and loads! I wish my worriness ends tonight.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

...Memories Should Stay Memories...

Whoa. Some people complain that memories are unforgettable and how they want to get rid of them. 
But you know what?Memories are meant not to be forgotten and can't be erased. You have to believe me on this! And if you ask why. 
I'm going to say BECAUSE I SAID SO!
That's why they called it memory. You can't just simply forget. Even if you want to, it will haunt you down in the night dreams or when you're alone. It will come to you. And you can't avoid it but you can ignore it.
People done it all the time including myself.

I live with it. Whenever I remember those great days, a smile draws on my face. 
  My friends said things like this to me, " You have to leave the memories behind and walk out."
"Forget about him and let go". " Let's forget, things might get easier".

Gosh, people! At that time, yeah maybe it's the right things to do. FORGET AND WALK AWAY.
But then I realized, things doesn't get any better and it's incredibly hard to forget the memories!
Whatever happened happens. Things got worst when I don't know how to forget. The only thing I know is I remember how great things were back then. I don't want to forget everything. It happens once in a lifetime. You don't know when you'll be able to feel the way they make you feel.
Don't forget the memories.
I never once leave my past. I'm living with it. That's how I learn my mistakes. Memories taught me to be real. I already moved on with the memories inside of me. Somehow it keeps me alive. 
So, chill out! Thanks for the memories! :) Memories is a moment. A very special one.

- Forever memories will stay memories. -


She is a wave and she's breaking,
She's a problem to solve;
and in that circle she's making,
I will always revolve.

And on her sight, these eyes depend,
Invisible and indivisible.
That fire you ignited,
Good,bad undecided.
Burns when I stand beside it,
You're light is Ultraviolet.

Vision so insane,
Travel unraveling through my brain,
Cold when I'm denied it,
You're light is Ultraviolet.

Now it's a phase and it's changing.
It's rotating us all.
Thought we're safe but we're dangling,
and it's too far to survive the fall.
I wish I could be like one who didn't do much and amaze everyone.Just like how she amazed him with her charms. That is really something! :) lmao~


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Deal With It (-_-")

Have you ever feel that sometimes when you need to talk and you turn around and see that nobody you can talk to? 
I've been feeling that way since forever. :( yeah, yeah, yeah..poor me. But I bet I'm not the only one having this difficulties. 
So, maybe some of you might have this situation when you really want to talk about something and you feel that no one listen to you and you're end up getting bad mood all sudden and start talking to yourself. Oh well, so we might have one thing in common.

I told myself once to care less about people who care about me less. But as minutes passing by as I live with that emotion, I started to hate people. Nobody told me it was so painful to be left alone.
Doing things alone. Every part of me feel the pain. It doesn't go easy on me.
So, with the guts I have, I forget about what's killing me inside and start over again.
Only this time, I am much stronger than before. I had failed the first attempt onto trying to be what I expect myself to be. Lesson learned. 

I heard a few friends of mine talking behind my back at one night,but somehow instead of getting upset I finally smile...sarcastically, of course. *lol*. I don't care much at all. 
Emotionlessly, I just ignored all the scattered pieces and rumors about me.
Finally, things are going smooth than ever. 
Whenever I feel like talking, I'll write.
Whenever I feel like crying, I'll simply let the tears flow.
Whenever I feel alone, I'll listen to music.

Things are simple. Don't make it such a big deal.  

..Ordinary Me..

Sometimes in this life we didn't expect things to go the way we had planned it.
So, things might get hard sometimes. We fell so hard that we're almost thought of giving up. 
But we didn't. We're always thought of ways to get up and get back in track.
No matter how hard we fall, we're always Get Back!

 It's easy to say isn't it?? I can tell you how many time I failed in life or what a good failure I am.
  • Disappoint my  parent with my bad tempered - attitude and being so lousy at one time.
  • My grades aren't so great. It was never been good. No matter how hard i tried. No matter how hard I study my ass off. I never satisfied my parent or myself.
  • I'm such an emotional-wreck. :(  people hate it.
  • There's nothing I can do. I suck at almost everything. Trust me
Well, there's still hope. I know that for sure so yeah I keep on hoping that time passes by and I'm getting better each day. 
-enjoy your day-